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The Carlton Clinic

Visit our clinics in Horley and Crawley offering Osteopathy, Sports Massage, Acupuncture and more...
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Welcome to The Carlton Clinic

At the Carlton Clinic, our multidisciplinary team specialises in Osteopathy, Sports and Deep Tissue Massage, Physiotherapy, Foot Health Care, Acupuncture and several other therapies

You can find us at one of our two clinics based in Horley and Crawley. We are well known in the local area for combining high-quality practitioner skills and excellent facilities.

Our predominant therapy, Osteopathy, is available six days a week, and although busy, we strive to have emergency on-the-day appointments for those patients in need. Our other therapies and services are available at allocated times each week, according to practitioner availability.

Take a look at the treatments that we offer below.

The Carlton Clinic Reception

How can we help you?

Find out more about how we can help you by clicking on the affected area on the body maps below.

  • Head

  • Shoulder

  • Elbow

  • Hand and wrist

  • Hips

  • Knee

  • Foot and ankle

  • Neck

  • Thoracic spine and ribs

  • Lower back


Headaches, migraines, tinnitus, vertigo, trigeminal neuralgia and TMJ.

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Rotator cuff tears, frozen shoulder, subacromial impingement and sports injuries.

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Tennis elbow, golfers elbow, ligament injuries and bursitis.

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Hand and wrist

Carpal tunnel syndrome and tendon disorders (Depuytren’s contracture)

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Trochanteric bursitis, arthritis, tendinopathies and muscle strains.

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Ligament injuries, meniscal injuries, muscle and tendon strains, arthritis and Osgood Schlatters Syndrome.

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Foot and ankle

Plantar fasciitis, achilles injury, ligament sprains, shin splints and arthritis

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Whiplash, facet joint, muscle strain and disc injury.

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Thoracic spine and ribs

Muscle strain, facet joint, rib pain and chest/sternal pain ( costochondritis)

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Lower Back

Muscle strain, facet joint, disc injury and sciatica and piriformis spasm.

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Treatments & services

Image of osteopath treating a woman's shoulder


A form of non-invasive manual therapy that treats the musculoskeletal framework of the body, to positively affect the natural function of multiple systems, which may be causing a wide range of symptoms.

Baby receiving cranial osteopathy

Cranial Osteopathy

A form of non-invasive manual therapy that treats the musculoskeletal framework of the body, to positively affect the natural function of multiple systems, which may be causing a wide range of symptoms.

Image of sports therapist treating a calf muscle

Sports Massage & Therapy

A form of non-invasive manual therapy that treats the musculoskeletal framework of the body, to positively affect the natural function of multiple systems, which may be causing a wide range of symptoms.

Meet the team at the Carlton Clinic

The clinic was originally established in 1985 and was taken over in 2016 by Mother and Daughter team – Osteopath Justine Robinson, and Clinic Director Mo Robinson. Since 1985 the clinic has built up a reputation for high quality, patient-orientated care, with successful treatments covering a wide range of problems.

Our friendly and knowledgeable reception staff are available to assist you with any queries you may have regarding which therapy or practitioner would best suit you and your presenting complaint.

Read the latest on our blog

Find out more about how osteopathy can help you manage and prevent injury and pain.



Hypermobility describes joints that simply move more than we would expect. It's not necessarily problematic, but can be associated with tight muscles and achey joints. Ultimately, it's the result of having lax ligaments, which could be something you're born with or...

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Myths in Clinic

Myths in Clinic

Concerned patients come to us not only for pain relief, but to put their minds at ease too. Back pain is surrounded by myths, and busting them isn't pedantic, it can actually help to reduce your symptoms. The Nocebo Effect You've probably heard of the Placebo Effect,...

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