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Cliff Russell

Registered Osteopath MSc, BSc (Hons) Ost

  1. Practitioners
  2. Cliff Russell - Osteopath
Cliff Russell

Cliff graduated from the British School of Osteopathy in 2002, and have since worked both full and part-time in New Zealand, Hungary and the UK,  even treated a few patients in Iraq.

He employs a very traditional (structural) style of osteopathy, using a combination of gentle joint movement, muscle stretching and massage work, and where appropriate, joint manipulation.

Cliff‘s overall treatment philosophy is very simple, in that he believes that most patients essentially get themselves better, and just require a gentle therapeutic nudge to get them moving in the right direction.

Cliff is also a qualified wellness coach and can work with  patients to  maximise their overall wellbeing and overcome or manage their problems in the longer term.

As a long-term cancer survivor (diagnosed 2009) he has a strong interest in cutting edge health and longevity research.


Cliff Russell

Contact The Carlton Clinic on 01293 784200 or click here to book your therapy session.

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