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James O’Reilly 

M.Ost – Registered Osteopath

  1. Practitioners
  2. James O’Reilly - Osteopath
James O'Reilly

James received an M.Ost Masters in Osteopathy and an ND Diploma in Naturopathy from the British College of Osteopathic Medicine in London.

Prior to his osteopathic qualifications, he has a broad history working as a manual therapist treating marathon runners, professional GB swimmers and performance artists.

His osteopathic consultation focuses on fostering a better understanding of your symptoms with structural treatment for all age groups. James has a passion for implementing a naturopathic approach to treatment following his research on the role of nutrition in arthritic patients, which was the subject for his dissertation with honours.

James incorporates pain management advice, exercise rehabilitation, functional nutrition and ergonomic assessment with patient-centred goals to self-manage and empower.

James O'Reilly

Contact The Carlton Clinic on 01293 784200 or click here to book your therapy session.

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