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Expert Footcare

Our Foot Health Practitioner offers a range of services treat your foot care issues.

What is professional foot care?


Our Foot Health Practitioner, is qualified and insured to provide a range of services covering the most common foot issues. If you have a condition that is outside of her remit, you can be referred to a fully qualified Podiatrist.

Treatments include:

  • Toe Nail cutting
  • Thickened nail reduction
  • Hard skin and callus reduction
  • Cracked heels
  • Corns
  • Verrucae
  • Ingrowing toenails
  • Fungal Nail infections
close-up of person receiving a foot care treatment

What’s the difference between a Chiropodist, Podiatrist and Foot Health Practitioner (FHP)?

There are two levels of training to undertake foot care:

  • A 3 year university degree
  • The Foot Health Practitioner/Professional diploma

Those completing a 3 year degree are called Podiatrists whilst those completing the diploma are Foot Health Practitioners (FHPs).

FHPs are qualified to undertake basic foot care treatments as mentioned above however they are not qualified to undertake any procedures requiring local anesthesia.  In the case of ingrowing toenails, depending on the severity of the condition, a referral to a podiatrist may be required.

The term chiropodist, whilst still in use, is no longer used by those who have qualified since 2003.  Chiropodists will have undertaken training to diploma or degree level and registered with the Health Professionals Council (HPC) prior to 2005.

Price list

For foot care appointments

Initial treatment


Continuing treatments


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