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How can Osteopathy help with Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction (SPD)?

How can Osteopathy help with Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction (SPD)?

SPD stands for Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction. The pubic symphysis is the big joint at the front of the pelvis. Normally, the pelvis is very stable, but during pregnancy, hormones act on its ligaments to allow more movement. This is important for helping the baby down...
Effects and management of lip and tongue tie in babies

Effects and management of lip and tongue tie in babies

Some babies are born with tongue tie or lip tie. It can be subtle or clear from birth. Everyone has a thin piece of tissue called a frenulum that connects the underside of the tongue to the base of the mouth. If this is too short, too broad, or too tight, tongue...
How can Osteopathy help manage TMJ issues?

How can Osteopathy help manage TMJ issues?

The jaw joint’s technical name is the TMJ (temporomandibular joint). Like other joints, it is within your osteopath’s remit. Anatomy and Dysfunction of the TMJ The TMJ is an often forgotten joint, but when it becomes dysfunctional it can have a huge impact...
What are the benefits of Osteopathy during pregnancy?

What are the benefits of Osteopathy during pregnancy?

Pregnancy is a short period of time in which a lot changes. Hormones begin to alter the physiology of the whole body from the first trimester, relaxing ligaments and encouraging fluid retention. Organs move and the posture changes as the bump grows, and aches and...
Find out about managing long covid

Find out about managing long covid

Research and evidence for managing long covid is still emerging. This post was last updated on 21/9/21. As the pandemic progresses, we are hearing more and more about long covid (LC). Little is known about the condition, but it seems to be a form of post-viral...
How can osteopathy help with infant torticollis?

How can osteopathy help with infant torticollis?

Babies can be born with their neck movement limited. If their head is held to one side, typically tilted one way and rotated to the other, it could be torticollis. Adults can develop torticollis too- when it’s not too severe you might call it a “cricked...
How osteopathy can help with symptoms of neuralgia

How osteopathy can help with symptoms of neuralgia

Neuralgia literally means nerve pain, but its usage is more specific than that. Osteopathy may be able to help with the symptoms of neuralgia. Trigeminal Neuralgia The trigeminal nerve is a nerve that supplies the face with sensation and movement. It splits into three...
What are the benefits of osteopathy to digestion

What are the benefits of osteopathy to digestion

The digestive system may seem irrelevant to osteopathy, but we treat the body as a whole, and no system is exempt. We’ve discussed before about the links between stress and the musculoskeletal system, and of course, stress can impact digestion. Reflux and...
Find out how osteopathy can help treat cramp

Find out how osteopathy can help treat cramp

Cramps are a common, usually mild and brief ailment. For some people, they become too frequent or significant to ignore. If this sounds like you, your osteopath may be able to help. Who Suffers from Cramps? Athletes are one of the most affected groups. There seem to...
Find out how can osteopathy help with your circulatory problems

Find out how can osteopathy help with your circulatory problems

When we think about circulation, what comes to mind is often cold extremities and the circulation of blood. Although our veins and arteries are an important part of the circulatory system, there is more to it. The lymphatic system is a necessary element that can have...

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