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Myths in Clinic

Myths in Clinic

Concerned patients come to us not only for pain relief, but to put their minds at ease too. Back pain is surrounded by myths, and busting them isn't pedantic, it can actually help to reduce your symptoms. The Nocebo Effect You've probably heard of the Placebo Effect,...

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Effects of Hormones on Pain

Effects of Hormones on Pain

Pain is complicated, and the way the brain interprets it is dependent on a vast number of different factors. Hormones are included in these factors, so it's important for your osteopath to know your full medical history. Inversely, sometimes pain is the first sign...

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Chronic Pain

Chronic Pain

The word "chronic" is often misused to mean "intense". Its real meaning is about duration, and the medical definition of chronic pain is pain that lasts more than 3-6 months. The reason this milestone is significant is that it is longer than most physical injuries...

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Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

Thoracic Outlet Syndrome (TOS) is an issue that causes pain and other symptoms in the shoulder and arm. It occurs when there is compression of blood vessels, nerves, or both. The compression happens at the thoracic outlet, which is a small space near where the collar...

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Infant Colic and Osteopathy

Infant Colic and Osteopathy

Colic is not a specific condition or a diagnosis. Rather, it is a collection of symptoms (primarily persistent crying) that could be indicative of a number of other things. Symptoms of Colic The NHS definition of colic is crying for: more than 3 hours a day over 3 or...

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The Pelvic Floor and its Significance

The Pelvic Floor and its Significance

The pelvic floor is not something that should only concern women in pregnancy and post partum. Everyone has a pelvic floor, and its role extends beyond bladder and bowel function. Pelvic floor dysfunction can have a link to lower back pain. What is the Pelvic Floor?...

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What are the benefits of osteopathy to digestion

What are the benefits of osteopathy to digestion

The digestive system may seem irrelevant to osteopathy, but we treat the body as a whole, and no system is exempt. We’ve discussed before the links between stress and the musculoskeletal system, and of course, stress can impact digestion. Find out more.

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